I think the biggest thing I learnt this year was that you don't have to choose and you don't have to settle. There are so many choices and options, there is always the choice of not taking it.
Since my last year of high school, I always felt I had to choose between Marketing and Human Resources. This year, not only did I decide not to choose what one I like better, but I also added Psychology into the mix. The moment I came to this conclusion, my dream job landed in my lap. Working in the Change Management team at Unilever.
I also developed a new interest in sailing. I'm in the process of finding a comprehensive course to do in the new year. Cant wait!
I also realised that I am like Jerry Seinfeld. Everything just works out well for me and everything balances out. I am so lucky and grateful.
Thanks to my subscription to Psychology Today ... I am more self-aware. Now I just need to improve on some of these weaknesses that I uncovered.
I do more with my writing ... hence the blog and writing on issues that fire me up. I also have taken a keener interst in reading, following the literary world a bit more and sketched an outline for a (one-day) book.
It's been good. Here's to a bigger and better 2010!
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