Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Which Watch?

I love a good printed watch ad.
There's something special about them.

They're elegant & aspirational.

They're 'All man' (or beautiful women). Tacky celebrities are not invited here.

Luxurious & sexy. I'd have to give up my first born to pay for it.

They are intriguing and a perfect example of old school craftsmanship.

Do you come with the watch?

Photos taken from:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's begining to look a lot like ...

Christmas for us, but while we in Sydney celebrate the arrival of Oprah, Bon Jovi, U2, Jay-Z, Guns N Roses bla bla bla ...
....  there are people in th eastern states of Australia who have experienced floods & damage.
.... there are refugees who are dying en route to Australia & Christmas Island.
.... there are people rioting in London.
.... the people in Greece are stuggling to earn and hold down their jobs.

Sometimes I feel so lucky and fortunate. There are so many interesting and positives in my life.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Shit-stirrer ...

 Take a bow Julian Assange.  
I belive in freedom of speech. However, when that information is released irresponsibly, is used for harm or could potentially harm someone, it should be managed responsibly.  Governments should be given the the right of reply and allowed time to secure those at risk.

The idea of Wikileaks is noble and infact, quite necessary in todays world. 
The execution ... needs improvement.

Image taken from:

Opt-in & out Marketing Emails

I like to subscribe to newsletters/feeds from my favourite blogs, stores, companies etc.
I opt-in to these newsletters in good faith, to hear about new ideas, products, discounts & new places.

Generally speaking, I will get emails from retail outlets once a week, if that.
There are some companies out there that I wish could do more online  ... hint hint, place where I work! However, there is one company now just plain annoying me with all their 'sales' & bombardment of e-newsletters ...

I'm now opting-out, permanently.

Image from:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Names not Numbers

It's nice when colleagues and those higher-up remember details about you as a person, not you as your work persona.

Over the last week I have been listening to psychologists and other Happiness-at-work experts at the online Happiness at Work Summit.  The more I learn about it, the more I hear people talking about it, I really want to be part of something that creates a great atmosphere for people to go to work in. It's just so important and cannot be underestimated!

Now I know some initiatives to keep your employees engaged and happy cost money, but not everything costs money.   It can be as simple as your positive attitude to someone, your willingness to let someone speak their mind, your smile and acknowledgement of someone or in my case today, my manager's manager remembered I was going on leave and wanted to know why I was still present at a meeting.

It made me feel good for 2 reasons:
  1. That he remembered. He's a busy guy and for him to remember, thats nice
  2. He saw that I was committed and interested in the businesses goings-on.
Ofcourse, this then has a snowball effect on the rest of my day, talking with others, speaking with people I would normally not have spoken with and culminating in me speaking with the ANZ chairman of our company. Our company has a philosophy of small actions make big differences, today, (maybe not in the same way our company envisioned that but ...) I directly saw that put into action.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Values based Conundrum ...

I was recently booking accommodation in Japan for my upcoming trip when I came across one hotel that stated clearly (& multiple times) that ... "No 2 men can stay in the same room...".

What is a liberal & values driven person to do?

a) Boycott the place by staying elsewhere? And let them know it?
b) Dont stay there but accept that the world is not at the same level as us (not that we are a country to preach gay rights) and not be so ethnocentric?
c) Stay there and accept that the world is not the same everywhere?

d) Stay at the hotel and talk/discuss with hotel staff & other guests about the issue?

I went with b).
Conservative yes, but who am I to go to another country and preach my way? 
I would hate it if the reverse was done to us.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Driving AND Talking

I take a lot of things for granted, but once in a while I get a wake up call and realise how lucky I am.

Another action/activity is now acknowledged in my bank; We take talking to our fellow passengers for granted.

Everyday I drive past a Deaf & Blind school on my way to work.  Normally, it's just another school & another school zone I must slow down for.

Today was different. Today while driving to work, I saw a young-ish man wanting to take a right hand turn & while he was waiting for a gap in the traffic, I saw him communicating with his passenger in sign language.

It dawned on me a few seconds after, that it's only when the car is stationary (waiting at at traffic light, waiting to take a right hand turn, stuck in traffic) that a deaf person can be communicated to if they or the driver is driving.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Commuter Camraderie

 I have lived in The Hills for most of my life. I have been through its up's and its down's, espcially in relation to our public transport situation.  My breath is not being held and am not expecting some miracle. A train line? What's that?

Most Sydney-siders would know who we are ... we are those that ride the canary yellow bus.  When in the city, you cant help but see them running up and down York & George streets.  

One of the great things I love (if i can call it love) about how we commuters have an unspoken bond in relation to how we are all hard done by, how the bus is always late, the great probability that you will have to stand the whole way!  

I feel that I am forever looking around the bus or checking out the bus que for someone that I know.  I have had many a late night coming back to the Hills and everyone is chatty, discussing their night & jumping into other peoples conversations, laughing at the snoozer and in unison, steering clear of the vomiter.

We gather at bus stops and discuss if the bus has gone, how its always late, will you even get a seat. The dread we share that we're not on the "x". ("x" buses are express buses that go to the city via lane cove tunnel GREATLY reducing the duration of the commute) and even worse, that the bus behind us is an "x".

Our Hillsbus drivers also recognise that its not so peachy commuting in for about an hour (on a good day).
In the past I've had those drivers who are extra friendly and chat to people as they get on and off. There is one on Saturday nights that really pumps up the music as we migrate to the city for the night. Even more fun is Christmas time. The extra joviality of the drivers, the completely OTT decorations with flashing lights, tinsel, ornaments and of course the Santa suit uniform. 

 If the train line was extended to our part of town, it would solve our transport woes, but our camaraderie and opportunites to bond would diminish. The train line is way overdue, its up to individuals including me to keep the camaraderie buoyant.

Picture taken from:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's so Springy!

Spring. 'Tis truely here now.

The whole weekend had been such a beautie! I barely spent any waking hours at home or indoors.
Sydney really knows how to pull off an amazing spring day!

I love it how the sun is higher in the sky, you start to wear t-shirts, all the birds keep chirping and you start to crave icy cold beers.

I think I really took a leaf out of my European friends book and enjoyed the outdoors. Travelling around Glebe, Darlinghurst, East Sydney, Watson's Bay

Late afternoon views of CBD from Watsons Bay.

Oh! I was also lucky enough to duck into David Jones this week to check out the Spring Flower Festival. I think there were more people in there taking photos and enjoying the flowers than actually shopping!

No more clinical looking Clinique!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Organ Donation

Confession ... I watch Packed to the Rafters.
The last few weeks, they have talked about one member donating their kidney to another family member.
It's nice, it's sweet ... I cried.

I also yelled ...
The last few weeks, there was nothing said, no info line, no website informing people on where to get more info on organ donation. This last episode, as the 'whats happening next week is playing', literally a 2 second banner popped up saying something about kidney donation.
I yelled at the tv as it was such a token 2 second gesture that I could not read in time.
Shame on channel 7 for not profiling it a bit more.

For more information:
Kidney Donation
Organ Donation

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Times are Changing

We’re living in very interesting times.
It’s reassuring to know that the fate of our country does not always rest with the so called leaders of the parties.

Our election took place on Saturday with neither party being elected in the majority. A minority government needs to be formed with the possible collaboration of the 3 (or 4) independents and a Greens member.

After the piss poor and oh-so disheartening election campaign, these independents essentially want to run things with a bit more tact, diplomacy and respect for others in parliament.

They want to actually meet with Ken Henry and adopt more from his tax review. The want to improve question time procedures, instill changes to the way donations are made to the parties and have protocols in government advertising. You would think that these should already be a given.

A couple of years ago I was listening to a speech delivered by Edward De Bono. He spoke of decision making processes and how they should involve a model. Progress through the models steps, gather all relevant information and data, working out all the pros and cons and coming up with a meaningful policy. Our government and opposition are forever finger pointing and hardly ever working together. The last time there was a whiff of bipartisanship it cost Malcolm Turnbull the leadership of the Liberal party (in regards to the ETS).

I’m all for whatever changes these country boys put forward … it can’t get any worse.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Better the Devil you Know

I dont know what to do. We need to vote in about 3 weeks and I have NO idea who to vote for.

I used to think that the idea of a swing voter was a vote wasted. I thought that those who classified themselves as a swinging voter were not following politics and that their vote is based on purely who will deliver them more money in their pocket. Well ... now I am a swinging voter, even less swinging more undecided voter.

The last election was our Obama election (better than Obama, it was Rudd). I loved Rudd and all he stood for. But now Rudd is gone (and i have to move on). So ... I must vote in an election where I dont want either to be the next PM. Now I know that my vote doesnt go towards either of them, I vote in the MP for our area (again, crazy for me to vote because we live in one of the safest liberal seats, what is the point in voting.)

This election is now a battle for the least boring, the one who will spend the least, bring us back from our debt the quickest and will curb our immigration (through refugees and normal immigration). Snore!
What happened to the change in the way we have politics run? I thought the election of Rudd was the turning point.  I want to vote for vision, leadership, drive and dertermination. Shouldn't we expect more from our leadership?

We need a bigger population. Its the government that needs to work out how to ensure water and resources are obtained sustainably. We need immigration, we need more done for the environment, we need someone we can be proud of on an international level.  We need someone who will really take us forward with human rights and access to world class education and health.

This game would be very different if it was Rudd Vs Turnbull or at least if one of them were standing for head of their party and as PM.  There will be no rejoicing in our household, its voting better the devil you know style.
Sourced from:

Monday, July 5, 2010

Ethical Banking & Super

Banks can make money from anywhere. The money comes from the good, the bad and I'm sure the ugly.

I don't like the idea that I could potentially be earnng interest from companies that do not operate with society in mind.  Who operate in an unethical way, that don't think about their immediate environment and who are just plain old greedy.

There is a concept I came across a few months ago, Sharia Banking, AKA Arab Banking. Banking that is in favour of the borrower. No interest is paid, people do buy houses and its seen as a a necessity, not a luxury.

An alturistic idea, but not one that is offered here ...yet.

 So, in an effort that I can take to act more responsibly ... I have made a small but significant for me, change.  I can't really change my bank at present (Bendigo Bank is the only Australian bank that I know of, I need to gain access to it so some small bank doesn't suit my needs.) However, I have changed the way my superannuation is invested.

My investment is with the Socially Responsible Balanced investment. It is investment in a diversified share portfolio, made up of Australian and international shares. Investments are selected on the basis of sustainable investment criteria and in property, fixed interest and cash assets

Sourced from:


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cool Stuff

I have no plans to buy a digial reader but thought that if I did, I so would buy one of these.

A Moleskine Kindle cover.

Airports are trying to out-do each other so much these days. Such a massive bonus for a lover of travel like myself.

Look at what Changi is up to, a massive 4 Storey slide inside the airport terminal.

Who wouldn't want to go down it?

Photos taken from:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rudd's Demise

It's a sad and traumatic day for me and other Ruddites but its nothing compared to what poor KRudd himself is going through. He was damned if he did and damned if he didnt.

2 months, 2 weeks or even 2 days ago, if you told me Rudd would no longer be the PM I would have said you are dreaming!

Rudd is in the middle of making some tough choices but the ideas and plans for the country are for the better of everyone.

In his first term there were so so many successes and achievements. Yes, there were some poorly managed issues but nothing to be ousted and globally humiliated.

He left with resounding words of his committment to the Australian people, support to the new Gillard government and was even present in the last sitting of Parliament today. Shedding a tear but standing tall with his accomplishments, not showing malice or poo pooing those that brought him down, there stood a man who has conviction, passion and good intentions.  Our most popular PM ever.

Here's hoping you stay in federal politics and continue to make a difference to those in your electorate.

(I feel like moving Griffith.)

Photo taken from:

Monday, June 14, 2010

US Oils Spill

It's day 55 and the oil is still leaking. The Gulf in Mexico is getting more and more polluted with the slick.

These oil and petroleum companies invest millions into developing technology into exploration and extracting the fruits of the earth. 

You'd think from all this knowledge and know-how they have, they would know how to stop the leak. 

Photos taken from:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cake Vs Liquid

There is something special about buying a new soap.  I love it.
The scent, the texture, the smell still in the box or packet.  

My family and I give soap to each other like we are giving each other a little bar of gold.

I find that there is something unsatisfying about using a body wash. Yes it smells good still but putting it on a sponge or puff really isn't that great.

To me, there is nothing better than winding down your day with a fresh cake of soap and lathering it up while in the shower.  All thoes lovely smells and suds!

 Everywhere I go I come across really great smelling soaps and beuatiful packaging.

Photos taken from:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Rise and Fall of Ruddy.

Yes, unfortunately, KRudd's approval rating is going down.  A combination of negative perceptions about climate change, school funding, home insulation, the debt and ... I think i will stop there. But why?  Were expecting too much from his first term?

Well, maybe yes and no.  Many of the problems the electorate are blaming him for aren't really his fault.  The buck does stop with him, but are you going to blame him for not taking the bins out on time?

There is so much good that has come out of the last few years, espcially in the last 12 month.
  • We cant just blame him for the failure of Copenhagen - how many other people where there? He wanted to set up an ETS, invest in sustainable energy, install insulation into all homes ... but it was beaten down by the opposition, rogue agents started to exploit the system.  It was too harsh for the Opposition, too weak for the Greens.
  • We can blame him for the debt, but isn't it better that the country go into a little debt than for you to loose your job, your car and your home?  The world is still in turmoil, Greece is causing major problems in the rest of the EU.  Why wouldnt you be happy to live in a country where so many others would happily trade places?
  • Mild tax reform, yes he may be a bit weak in not adopting all of Dr Henry's proposals but at least we are finally investing back into land care and supporting communites that are affected by the mining industry.
  • Paid Maternity leave will come to fruition
  • More money going towards education
  • Hospital take over (or at least being the dominant funder)
  • More money is going into Education
There really is a lot of good going on.  Maybe its the PR and media that are letting him down.

My App. Idea,

Even though I am anti-Apple and anything "i", I get a surprising amount of app. ideas.

Was a bit bummed a few weeks ago when i realised that someone already developed my latest idea ... so i will share it here since its already released.

It's a app. that you put on so you don't drunk dial/text someone. We've all made the horror calls and left cringe worthy messages. My app. (in theory) would let you save some of these phone numbers in the app and wont let you dial unless you pass a drunk test or in an ideal world, after your BAC is taken.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Employee Branding - As important as external branding?

This is my raison d'etre. Employee satisfaction through the embodiment of what the organisation stands for and values.

Human Capital Magazine - Australia - Is employee branding as important as external branding?

Is employee branding as important as external branding? You bet! (If not more!)

If you work for the greatest company in the world and you don't know it, is the business still classified as the greatest company?
If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it still make a noise?

A company is set up, develops their misson and establishes what they value. They hire people, go to market, they start to run their business.
Do you;
a) Have employees who know just what they need to know to do that immediate job? They don't know what happens in other departments, they don't know the futre of the brand and they don't identify with what they sell.
b) Have employees who know a little bit of everything, with a focus on what they need to know for the job they do at that moment. They know the new products being launched, know what it looks like. They have tried the products and know what distribution channels they are using. They may not love the product but they know what it stands for and know that the product meets the needs of the target market.

I know what I would prefer if I were running a company more importantly, as a consumer, I know who I would rather interact and trade with.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jailbird Celebrities

Maybe its because of our history, but once again, a criminal (a dead one at that) is making making more headlines in the news than the fact that we have major hospital reform!

Founded as a country of criminals, we want to know them, watch them and even laugh with them.
One of our highest rating tv show right now is Underbelly. The whole shows premise is on the underworld of criminals, drug smuggling and hits. We laugh at a comedian impersonating a serial killer.

We live in a strange country where there the celebrity of criminals takes precedence over reforms made by our goverment. I guess it will continue, hey, I'm blogging about it!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Public Servants - 9 to 5 only?

If I got a dollar for everytime I saw Kevin Rudd interviewed after he has attended church, I would be well on my way to dining at Tetsuya's! Yes he is the PM, yes he needs to comment on what is happening but its Sunday and it should be just for him and his family.

Today ... it was reported that Christine Nixon went out to dinner with 2 friends "...during the worst hours of black Saturday...".  I know that it would be ridiculous if the firemen and women who were fighting these fires wanted to stop for food instead of saving a home or life. Come on! Give her a break. If she is off shift, or she wanted a couple of hours away why cant she?

Why do we have such high expectations of our public servants? Why should they be on 24/7? I'm not working that long? Are you? Are you paid to work 24/7? Are they?


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Freedom of Speech & Freedom to have an Opinion

Sometimes, the internet scares me.

Not in the fact that someone will steal my credit card details or someone will hack into my email. No. What I am afraid of is if one of my opinions comes backs and bites me.  I am afraid that some future employer or some lobby group decides that in a land of free speech, my comments will be taken in the wrong way or that I will be judged on them because when on the world wide web, they last forever! 

I have some strong opinions.  Some PC and some un-PC.  I feel that I cannot write them or really verbalise it as it may be used against me.  Yes, they are my opinions and I will always stand by then, I will also change my opinion when presented with logical argument that will sway my opinion and is in line with my values.

I may not agree with the opinions of others, but I do respect freedom of speech.  If it's how you feel, say it. However, I do also believe that with freedom of speech comes responsibility, especially people of influence.  Healthy discussion yes, brainwashing and conditional loveor respect, no.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rehabilitation Vs Correctional Centres

People do good and bad things.  Some of those who do bad (I'll rephrase, do something illegal) get caught and go to jail.  When you do the crime, you do the time. However, once you have paid your dues, you have done your time, when is it time to let go and let them give life a second chance?

This topic comes up time and time again in our family while watching Border Security.  People want to come to Australia for a holiday but they come with the wrong visa or they tick a box honestly saying, I have spent time in jail and they are on the next flight out.

(Disclaimer, I haven't done my research, so this is just my opinion on the limited amount of knowledge I do have.)

Our country is founded from the British convicts and criminals of the 1780's.  How can we not forgive people and give them the benefit of the doubt once they have tried to get their life back on track?  I don't think that 100% of the past and current prison population are repeat offenders (there may be a fair chunk, but I don't have the stats).

After a few years, you have your life back on track, aren't you entitled to travel and not be barred from a holiday?

Picture from:

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why I'm not "Just do(ing) It"

Do you ever feel that you want it all?
That you want to do everything and that you aim to do it all within a small period of time and then ..... reality and the everyday mundane-ness hits you?
Wake, work, home, sleep.  Wake, work, home, sleep.

I long to do something more with my time but when I get home, the last thing I want to do is to sit infront of my laptop again.  I want to do x,y & z but sitting on my butt watching tv seems like the better option.  Thankfully my weekends don't end up like that, but I always find myself allocating down time on the weekend too.

Is this really the life I want? No. Is this how I see myself accomplishing what I want from my private life? No.
Why do I do it? Why does it seem like the best option? Why is pizza and wine better than an big night out with drinking and partying? Why don't I take up some mid-week hobby like I want to? (and keep telling myself.)

Yes I am lazy, but maybe its something more?  I want to do more sailing, start Toastmasters ... its the first few steps into the unknown. That is why I have not done it.  Its speaking to people I dont know and establishing a rapport with them - something I am uncomfortable with. Why do I priortise going to the gym more than that? Its because its familiar and the safer, risk-free option.

I feel I live so much of my life in the safer, risk-free area.  Once in a while I will push and rebel against it, but somehow I will end up in that place again. I will do something totally out of the ordinary, move halfway across the world, but who's ordinary is it?  Am I just benchmarking myself against other people and not bechmarking me against myself?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Busy or Effective?

It annoys me when I ask people and *cough* friends how is work and they reply "busy".

Busy...?  So...? If you weren't busy you would have been made redundant. No employer is going to hire you if you have no workload.

When I ask how is work, I want to know what projects you are working on, if you are enjoying it, how your collegues are etc. I'm not shallow in that I ask how is work like I ask how are you.

People are so obsessed with saying how busy they are and how the organisation will crumble without them.  People even compete to see who is the more busier!  "...I have a thousand projects to do! Oh yeah? I have 10,000! The winner is the person who has the most insane schedule, who rushes from one thing to the next with the energy of a hummingbird, because obviously that means he’s the most successful and important..."

"...Maybe we’re playing the wrong game — we’ve been conditioned to believe that busier is better, but actually the speed of doing is not as important as what we focus on doing...".  How about being more productive? Try being more organised. Enjoy work, take the time to realise what you are doing, work on improving it.  


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gen Y Bashing

There is a lot of Gen Y bashing amongst older generations.  Normally it does not affect me but now I am sick of it.  All through the editorial columns of newspapers, talk back radio and on tv.  We seem to be their scapegoat. Maybe some of the Gen Y'ers are naive, but I ain't one of them.  There are people in their 60's and 70's with crazy opinions, I don't go around professing that all senior citizens are coockoo.

On Q&A this week it was a room full of under 25 year olds, Tony Jones and K.Rudd.  Ofcourse some of the questions were stupid and dumb but some of them were ok.  There is no need for the columns editorial digs at us.  All young people are me, me, me. It's something older generations have been through before.

The computer guy was the worst but don't put me in the same category as him.  I follow politics, I like following it and I'm not going to go all stroppy if the goverment are delayed in giving me a depreciating asset!  The money could have gone to so many better things including the upgrading of the refugee detention centres. 

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Email to a Friend

It's now the norm to have links at the bottom of news items, videos etc where you "Email to a Friend".

This is so you can share the content with someone who you think will enjoy or get something out of it. Its good for the company, they get another hit on their web page and it may even contribute to them getting a higher search position in Google/Yahoo/Bing.

Why is it then, that on the rare occasion I do forward something to someone, it doesn't work? Why have the function there as an option, if its not going to work?

As a marketer, I was taught that any PR is good. I was taught that even better than spending X amount of money on advertising, Word-of-Mouth is the best form of advertising.  I  might want to start a converstaion about it.

Hello! Companies X, Y & Z. Don't you really care? Fix up the links!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

When Advertising Pisses you Off.

Good idea right? Especially since my family and I LOVE Pepsi.

Found it while walking down George St last night, outside the cinemas.

Shame that when I went to press the button NOTHING happend.

Punishment for letting me down?  Not shopping at Coles this week! 

Photos from:

Quoteable Words

I find myself doing some strange things sometimes. I read certain works the way they are said on tv shows/movie without pre-thought or doing it intentionally.

The most recent time this happened was at work going through a list and came across the name Adrienne. Did you do it too? I say it the way Rocky says it in the movies. "...ADRIENNNNNNNNE!.."

Seinfeld and The Simpsons are always up there too. Ha-ha is not ha-ha but Nelson's ha-ha. The world pretzel now comes with bonus words, "These pretzels are making me thirsty!". Ladelling out soup, a "No soup for you!'" is closely followed.

When I am not happy and I follow it with a ''Jan" I become happier and may even snigger to myself. (Aussie joke)

Does it happen to others? Maybe its just me.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Bad Promo over Summer

People think that just because its summer and people are off on holidays, they think they can get away with stupid decisions and dont really think things through.   Here are 2 of them.

1. Advertising by Fernwood.
While driving down Carlingford Rd one day I saw this billboard and automatically thought it was for either AMI with those massive sex signs or an ad for Foxtel.  When I read down the bottom, I was aghast! Yes, aghast that it was for the women's only gym, Fernwood.   (Picture not from Carlingford Rd)

I'm not offended by the ad, I just dont think that if you are pitching an advertising campaign to women who want to be part of  a womens only gym, you dont do something like this.  The image I have of Fernwood as a brand is more mature and tame, this just goes the opposite way.  If they want to re-brand, do a good job of it and re-brand properly.

2. I don't know why I have beef with him but I do. I can't stand people who are in the limelight for the sake of it.

Welcome Bondi Vet!

Not only does he treat animals who are not native to Bondi (camels, goats) but now he does the Weather report on Channel TEN. He's a smart guy (I think), he's a vet, why is he doing this kind of job?  I want my weather news from a reliable source.  Stick an image of the rardar up on the screen.  Half of Sydney already have it saved as a favourite.

Let's just hope he doesn't quit his day job!

Photos taken from:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

All the Pretty Colours!

I love colours! I love them everywhere!  I don't know why but it just makes me happy seeing all pretty rainbow-esque colours together.  There is something so simplistic and trouble-free about colours. They work together in unison to create that beautiful aura.

No one wants just a box full of just red or blue pencils, people want the whole spectrum.  I don't think anyone has ever opened a box of pencils or textas and has not been excited to test them all out and see what is their pick of the range. (Remeber Derwent pencils and Connector Pens?)

Colours help me:
  • Make my mood better :-)
  • Help me get a clearer head (I also like my colours sorted from lights to greys and blacks)
  • They helped me study - different colours are code for different things.
  • They help me be more organised - colours represent different things when I am at work and need to know what is connected and related to what.  
  • It keeps me organised - the clothes in my cupboard are arranged from lights to darks. (see right)
Colours are hard for me to resist.  So, te other day I found out that Moleskin (as in the diaries) have come out with a 2010 diary with a different coloured mini diary for each month.  I HAD to get my hands on one! I went from website to website hunting them down and finally came across them in Borders.  I looked and it and then realised after much umming and aahhhing ... its pretty, but in that format, it's so not practical.

I shelved it and decided to use that money (rrp $80) for something else.

Ooff! It was so hard not to buy it!  I bought myself a new set of textas instead.

Picture taken from: 
Clothes photo taken myself - my cupboard

Friday, January 8, 2010

Project "Hello"

Hello!! Happy New Year!

I don't like to make new years resolutions but I do want to make sure that my year is bigger and better than the previous year.

What I have decided to do this year is to say Hello more often. It is something so simple but I think will be quite effective. 

What's the worst that could happen? Someone won't say hello back? Or that someone will look at you but won't say it back. It's one small little word, I think I could suck it up.

So why say hello?
  • I started a new job recently and find it quite hard to break through and talk to people. (The work culture here is get in, do your work, work through your lunch break and leave on time to ensure work-life balance). I also appreciate my work-life balance but I always think there is time to get to know people and be more than co-workers.
  • You never know who you will meet! My friendship circle is open and always happy to meet others.
  • Give me extra confidence. I'm shy when it comes to meeting people I don't know.
I'll keep you posted on what happens.

Photo taken from: - 08/01/10