Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ball in my Court

In relationships, (from the little I know) I realised that sometimes when the ball is in my court, the ball is not where I really want it & sometimes, if given the choice, I wouldn't have the ball in my court at all.

I just moved the ball from out of my court & I cannot tell you how much more peaceful & less stressed I feel. 

In the lead up to it, I was umm'ing & ahh'ing what should I do? Should I do it now? Do it later? ... Tomorrow?

Now that the ball is out of my court, I know that whatever the reaction is I'm going to be comfortable & at peace.

Maybe its a mixture of not procrastinating, making a decision or not having to worry about something 'to-do' as it's done.  Either way, a weight has been lifted, the ball has been returned & now I feel that I can move on.

Picture taken from:

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