Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Role Model Fail

Beyonce has been in her second job for a while now. She is helping Michelle Obama on a campaign to reduce childhood obesity in the "Let's Move" program.
Re-making video clips to make it more fun & easier for the kids to follow her dance moves.  Great idea! 

Although, it's a case of do as I say, not as I do.  It's a shame that Beyonce cannot always 'move'.  

Beyonce was one of the hundreds of celebrities at the Met Gala last week.  She looked great but ... at what cost?

Met Gala: Beyonce gets stuck in dress    
As you can see ... Beyonce wore a dress that was soooo tight, she could not move. She couldn't even climb up the stairs herself!
What message does this send to the kids? What message does it send to those who think they are too fat? What message does it send to those who look to her for fashion advice? Or to those who want to be like her? 

Beyonce lifted upstairs at Met Gala

It's sending such a clear message that if you want to look beautiful, you loose your independence. 
Looking beautiful means you need help climbing up the stairs (even help going to the toilet). 
