Thursday, June 28, 2012

The F-Word at Work

I'm not one to use the F-word. It's quite a harsh sounding word and is somewhat uncivilised.  It's overused and since I've become an adult, it's become so common place to use it. Seriously, its EVERYWHERE.

I accept that people use it, I even laugh if it's in a joke, however, there are few instances when I think it is completely inappropriate to use. 

It's inappropriate to use it in the presence of children (so they don't learn your bad habits), when speaking with elder people (it's quite disrespectful) and at work.

Swearing at work is very unprofessional.  Some words could even be regarded as workplace harrassment, however I find that it is the F-word that people feel that they can get away with saying it within certain context.

To me, you don't get away with it. I remember those who use it at work and think that they're slightly less professional than the others.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Seats on Buses and Trains

I'm quite picky when it comes to who I sit next to on public transport.  That is, until its a choice of sitting versuss not sitting. 

I find myself drawn to sitting next to people who are reading or have a book. 

I'm not sure if it's an observation or it's now a self-fulfilling prophecy. However, It's occurring more and more and not just initiated by me, also by the other person who is taking their seat next to me.
Sometimes my neighbour will surprise me and will pull out their book half way through our journey.

Either way, look for us up the back.  We're the intellects on the bus reading.

Picture taken from: